Using Twitter Streaming API to track keywords on NodeJS

While building a social automation and management tool, I wanted to test Twitter Streaming API on NodeJS.

Twitter Streaming API on NodeJS

There are a lot of npm modules available for Twitter but I went with twit. twit looked easy to use and pretty simple. It supports Twitter’s REST and streaming APIs.

Installing any npm package is as simple as…

npm install twit --save

twit documentation is well-written and can be found here on github. After installing the package, all you need is Twitter API credentials. A twitter app can be created at You should also be very careful in choosing the access level. If you are going to do more than just reading the twitter world, you have to update your application’s access level.

Using twit to access Twitter Streaming API

Quoted from the project’s github page, the simple example to start can be seen below.

var Twit = require('twit')

var T = new Twit({
  consumer_key:         '...',
  consumer_secret:      '...',
  access_token:         '...',
  access_token_secret:  '...',
  timeout_ms:           60*1000,  // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.

//  stream a sample of public statuses
var stream ='statuses/sample')

stream.on('tweet', function (tweet) {

//  filter the twitter public stream by the word 'mango'.
var stream ='statuses/filter', { track: 'mango' })

stream.on('tweet', function (tweet) {

// filter the public stream by the latitude/longitude bounded box of San Francisco
var sanFrancisco = [ '-122.75', '36.8', '-121.75', '37.8' ]

var stream ='statuses/filter', { locations: sanFrancisco })

stream.on('tweet', function (tweet) {

// filter the public stream by english tweets containing `#apple`
var stream ='statuses/filter', { track: '#apple', language: 'en' })

stream.on('tweet', function (tweet) {

It took me about 5 minutes to get started with twitter API on Node.

In my case, I started with tracking some keywords and targeting the users who tweeted those specific keywords. This can also be used to automate your twitter account. Process DMs, mentions, likes and all that in real-time however you want.

Written on November 9, 2017